
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Do You Make These Affiliate Mistakes?

 Do You Make These Affiliate Mistakes?
You've just come across a fantastic product and you're thinking of signing up as Affiliate but before you get carried away, here are a few pointers that can save you both time and money! 

1.Is the sales letter any good, read the headline first it's been shown that a good headline makes a big difference (it's been proven that 75% of people make up their minds of purchasing a product just from reading the headline alone.) 
Is the rest of the sales letter any good, do you find yourself reading being drawn through the sales letter? Would you buy the product yourself? If you would, others probably would as well. 

2.Are there any "leaks" on the sales page? By leaks I mean are there any thing on the webpage to distract your visitor from making a purchase
or a way for you could lose out a commission.
For example… 
Phone numbers that the buyer could order from and deal directly with the seller, causing you to lose out on a commission,
• E-mail addresses for the same reason as above. 
• Excessive pop ups or slow loading webpage's that can frustrate your prospect. (People on the internet want everything in an instant so don't expect them to hang around!) 

3.Are there any testimonials on the sales page, the more testimonials the better especially showing how the person has benefited from using the product. 

4.What kind of guarantee is being offered with the product, is it 30,60 day risk free guarantee. Don't worry about a longer guarantee costing you money and people asking for their money back as its been shown that the longer the guarantee the less refunds you'll get. 

5.If you can, buy the product so you know yourself if it's any good there's no point sending traffic to a website, making some commissions and then finding out the products poor quality and everyone wants their money back.

These tips should save you a lot of time and frustration when looking for a product to become an affiliate of….And remember not everyone surfing the web 
is going around with their wallet open looking to purchase something so don't be disheartened if you get a lot of "No's" before you get a "Yes."

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Online BA Degree in Elem Education

Online BA Degree in Elem Education
The shortage of qualified teachers for elementary education is reaching a crisis. The U.S. Department of Education predicts that within the next ten years there will be a need within the U.S. for 2.4 million teachers. In order to help people pursue their BAdegree in teaching many colleges and universities are now offering online programs in elem. education.

A number of online education degree programs exist for those wishing to pursue teaching in a wide variety of subjects and grade levels. Whether you have an interest in science, mathematics, history or the arts you can pursue your dream of becoming a teacher through e-learning programs being setup across the United States. These programs offer flexibility for students who may already be working in another career field or for those who live in remote areas without easy access to higher education facilities.

Teaching can be a rewarding career for many who enjoy sharing their knowledge with students who are eager to learn. Many people find that helping students achieve knowledge is one of the most rewarding careers available because of the unique challenges and the often surprising results. It is not uncommon for people to remember a favorite teacher decades later as someone who helped shape them into who they are today.

Depending on your state's teacher certification requirements you may be eligible to attend all of your classes virtually. Usually the only time you will need to spend in a classroom environment is towards the end of your degree program when you will practice actual classroom teaching in a school environment. If you have any questions or want to find out more, including financial assistance available to help you pursue your goal, contact your local college of university and find out about e-learning opportunities in your area.

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Sex vs. Romance

Sex vs. Romance
and believe that finally they may have the answer.

There are two distinct differences in the areas of the brain associated with sexual arousal and emotional responses typical of being romantically involved, and using brain scans. Scientists were able to decipher the distinctions people make-in their brains-when presented with sexual stimuli and then pictures of their wives and/or girlfriends. (By the way, the studies were done on females as well, we will use the term him for the sake of simplicity.)

Subjects who had very recently entered into new love relationships were hooked up to electro scanners and given a series of questions to answer pertaining to their new loves. Their levels of dopamine soared when answering the questions, and appeared mostly to stimulate the right side of the brain, usually associated with rewards that are not typically in the instant gratification section. This was thought to be because romance and love is not part of instant gratification, as is thought to be sexual encounters, porn, and impulse control associated with the left side of the brain. When the same subjects were shown sexually explicit material or answered explicit questions, the scans on the left side of the brain reacted.

More importantly, the areas of the brain which are thought to act as the relationship matures changed strongly when these same questions were answered by couples who had been involved for several years, leading scientists to believe that as we mature in our relationships, so does our brain activity in response to that relationship. This could also explain why couples who are very much in love also experience a sense of the spark going out of their relationship after a few years. It's not that they aren't attracted to each other any longer; it's that their brain waves have matured. This could give much hope to couples thinking about separating because they don't know what happened to the romance and sex in their relationship. This breakthrough could save you thousands on couples counseling, and give the hope that as the two of you move through this area of your relationship-and you will move through it, studies also show that this is a growth area for couples, not the end of the partnership- you will come out on the other side even more attracted to each other than before.

During the fifties and the beginning of the sixties, these types of studies where not even thought of, couples stayed together even when it seemed impossible. With the explosion of divorce becoming popular in the seventies and more couples separating in order to find them, the need for these types of brain wave studies became very necessary, and a good thing, too.

If you and your partner are in a rut, it's not the right move to separate. Stay together and give it some time, there are other things you can do to spice up your relationship and still stay together. Love is still by far the strongest of all of the emotions. 

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

7 Key Tactics For The Small Business Owner

7 Key Tactics For The Small Business Owner
For most folks, owning your own business is a dream come true. The freedom of being your own boss and succeeding to the best of your ability are facts of life for the small business owner. Sure, there's more stress than what you probably imagined when you were creating your grand plans, but with a little strategy and planning you can overcome any tough spot you get in. There are 7 tactics developed by successful marketers that are sure tomake your business as successful as theirs.

1. Create A One of a Kind Selling Point
If you want to stand out from the crowd, create a unique selling proposition that stresses the benefits the customers will receive from doing business with you. Will they get faster service? Go ahead and dramatize it, but keep the customer at the focus..."Get free overnight delivery!" Hey, it tells the get quick service and a discount on shipping. Two definite benefits in one statement.

Why should someone buy from you and not your competitor? I hate to deal a blow to your ego, but it really has nothing to do with you , your product, or your service. Yeah, its a little self-centered, but customers are attracted by offers that point out the things that benefit THEM.

Don't go out on a limb to create new products and services to get attention. Just, add a special benefit to the ones you already have... maybe it's quicker service. The most effective things to emphasize are benefits that your competition cannot or is not willing to give. 

2. Use Testimonials
Hey, we all know that business owners think their product or services are the best thing going, but it's what the current customers think about it that really matters to your prospective customers. They're the ones who see things from their point of view... what they have to say about the business has an impact.

Testimonials play an important part in advertising - especially for small businesses. Yeah, big businesses with well-known names don't have to worry about it, but small companies can use testimonials as marketing tools to build credibility.

Think about else can we gain credibility than by creating a group of satisfied customers and shouting what they have to say? Let's look at some ways we can make testimonials an effective part of our marketing campaigns.

3. Upsell
Upselling is one of the most successful marketing trends today. Everywhere you go, someone is trying to get you to buy more. From McDonalds with its supersize options to clothing stores that try to sell you shoes to match your outfit, everyone's jumping on the band wagon. Why? It works!

Your customers already know that you have great products and provide satisfactory service. They trust you to come through for them. Think about it... it's much easier to make sales to someone you already have arelationship with

Use every opportunity to increase your sales volume within the customer audience you already have. Do you have a product that goes with the one they are purchasing? Offer it to them at the register. It's a proven and effective method for increasing sales. You may be shocked at the additional sales you can generate from those who are already buying from you.

4. Make Your Price Seem Smaller
Divide and conquer... The old war tactic works in marketing too! When the price seems too steep, break it down into "buyable" size bites. An $120 item is only 12 low monthly payments of $10. A $365 purchase would only cost $1 per day. Now that sounds affordable! 

5. Paint The Benefits Pretty
Customers buy because they want to enjoy the benefits of the purchase. A lady might buy a dress because she wants to feel sexy, or a man will buy a book because he finds pleasure in reading. Emotions are the key element that drives purchases.

Use word pictures to stir up the emotions that will instigate the sale. Let them "feel" the benefits, and they'll be more apt to head for the cash register. Put them where you want them.

6. Create Attention Getting Headlines
Are you ready to capture your reader's attention with great copy? The headline is the place to start. How often do you scan the newspaper's headlines before you decide whether or not to read the article? Yeah, that's where we lose or gain the reader's interest, so it's a pretty important part of the advertisement.

A good headline should telegraph its message in twelve words or less. Double check those headlines. Do they make a promise of a positive benefit, or ask a provocative question? Don't settle for less than attention grabbing statements. 

7. Provide An Offer They Can't Resist
Is your deal too good to pass up? If not, you need to improve it. Hey, I'm not talking about cutting prices even've still got to make a profit. You can make the deal sweeter just by increasing the readers knowledge of the value of the product, or adding bonuses that are perceived as valuable, but cost you little. 

Motivate buyers with expirations. Yeah, an open ended offer encourages procrastination...which leads ...yep, nowhere. When the customer knows he has until Saturday to purchase an item he'll pay more for on Sunday, he'll make it a priority to head for your shop. 

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British Cuisine

British Cuisine
British cuisine has always suffered from bad press. The simple homespun fare and plain preparation of most traditional British foods pales when compared to French haute cuisine, and it's not uncommon for food critics to sound almost apologetic when writing about traditional British dishes as if there were something shameful in enjoying a good, thick joint of beef with an accompaniment of Yorkshire pudding. If they speak in glowing terms of anything at all, it is a nod to the clever naming of British foods, where dishes like bubble and squeak and spotted dick appear on restaurant menus.

And yet, for all the snickering and apologetic references, British cuisine at its best is hearty, delicious, simple fare on which to fuel the nation that influenced the entire world. There is no other nation in the world that does a roast of beef to such perfection, nor any better accompaniment to the succulent meat than a puffed, piping hot Yorkshire pudding prepared in its drippings, and few cuisines have a dessert that can compare with the pure heaven that is a well made trifle or treacle tart.

British cuisine is a blending of the practical with the nutritious. If it is, as some say, unimaginative, that may be because the food itself needs little imagination to fancy it up and make it palatable. It is certainly not because the British mind lacks imagination when it comes to food – the common names for everyday meals sometimes require a translator just so you'll know what's on your plate. A walk through a restaurant take-away menu offers such dishes as 'mushy peas', steak and kidney pie, fish and chips and bangers and mash.

There are well-known British dishes for eating at each meal. Some of the most popular include

A full English country breakfast includes meat, eggs, pancakes or toast and side dishes like hash and bangers and mash. It's hearty fare, the sort that is set on the table for dinner in most other cultures. It often includes leftovers from last night's dinner, diced and fried together with seasonings and butter, sometimes called country hash.

The tradition of mid-afternoon tea is one that's been observed by the British for centuries. Among the most common dishes served at mid-afternoon tea are finger-foods like crumpets with jam and clotted cream, dainty watercress sandwiches and scones with raisins or dried fruits.

Sunday Dinner:
The Sunday dinner has a long tradition as being a family occasion – the one meal of the week at which all family members gathered. A roast joint of meat – beef, lamb, pork or chicken – is nearly a requirement, and it is served with a potato and vegetable, and very often accompanied by Yorkshire pudding.

Puddings and custards feature prominently in British cuisine. Baked, boiled or steamed, puddings are usually made with suet and breading, and studded with dried fruits and nuts. One of the most popular and delightful British desserts is the trifle, and there are nearly as many variations as there are cooks. The base is a sponge cake, often left over from another meal. Soaked in Madeira or port, it is layered in a dish with custard, jam, fruits and Jell-O and topped with whipped cream. The end result is a delicious mélange that is features all that is good about British cookery – plain, practical cooking that is meant to fill the belly and satisfy the taste buds. 

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How To Make Your Article Creative And Interesting

How To Make Your Article Creative And Interesting

Oftentimes when it comes to article writing, the end result can be pretty mundane. In many instances, there is nothing that prevents you from getting creative in your article writing. There are some pointers that will be helpful to you when it comes to getting creative in your article writing. By understanding these pointers, you will end up making your article writing more useful and more powerful.

Article writing can be extremely boring at times, especially if you are shooting for a specific number of articles written each day.

So it is easy with article writing to get sloppy, to forget to make the article interesting, or to not do a good job of teaching whatever it is you are teaching in the article.

So how do you make an article interesting, interesting enough that the reader sticks with you through to the end of the article and clicks on your web site?

The must fundamental factor that you need to master when it comes to getting creative with your article writing is your choice of words. While you do not want to utilize a “big” word when something more concise will do, you will want to use interesting words whenever possible.

Another fundamental factor that you will want to need to appreciate when working to make your article writing more creative is the manner in which you structure a particular article. Long blocks of text are far less compelling than a pithy, direct and smartly written sentence or paragraph. Don't use five words when one will do.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to write a ‘how to’ article – much like this one. By writing a how-to article, you are specifically dealing with exactly what the title indicates, and you are meeting a need of your reader. The nice thing about a how to article is that only people interested in learning ‘how to’ do something specific will read your article – and as long as you stick to the topic and teach them how to do it, you will succeed at writing an interesting article, at least to them.

Another way to create an interesting article is to include a story of how what you are writing about has helped someone else – how your technique has benefited someone else.

And still another way that you can keep your article interesting is to offer information that is rarely found elsewhere – and possibly even only information that you alone can offer

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Angry customers - what can we do with them

 Angry customers - what can we do with them
"You are the worst company I have bought from!" - writes the client. Oops, bossss! What should I write back? 
It is very hard to select words when some of your customers isangry and complains about your company. Read more for an insight into it.

All is well when it ends well. And until it ends be sure not to panic; no matter how bad it looks. Your customers only want you to do your best when they complain. They can see things that you might miss and every complaint will give you insight on how to improve your business. Here are some tips of handling with complains: 

• Be empathetic and come them down - which means that you should acknowledge the person's feelings (you don't have to agree with them to do that). In the NLP practices this is called "to build rapport". For example, you can say: "I understand how upsetting that might be..." 

• Do not defend yourself - you will surely want to say something to defend yourself - don't! Getting defensive will never help. The issue is not about who is right, it is about helping a disappointed customer and keeping their repeated purchases. 

• Take responsibility - no matter whether you are guilty for the complaint or not, you still represent your company. Therefore, you should take the "blame". By doing that, you emphasize the company's trustworthiness and reliability. If you can't handle the issue alone, be sure to hand the customer off in a classy manner.
• Make commitments - only that way the customer is assured that something will be done in a precise time interval. You have to state your actions clearly, for example: "Our team will come to your place tomorrow at 15:00".

• Make some offer before they ask for refund - that's what most of your customers say in cases of dissatisfaction: "We want our money back". But that is the least you want, because it leaves your customer disappointed in your company. You will have to be cleverer and offer them something of a value for their trouble and time before they ask a refund. 

• Do more - every company can do things the regular way. We are sure you can come up with something more. After all, the complaining customer only wants you to be better, and you can use this interaction to prove that you can. 

• Walk the talk - make sure to do what you have promised. 

• Follow up - check back with them after some period. Phone them up or e-mail them and ask if they need anything else and if the arrangement you made works properly. That way you show them that you care and can also trigger word-of-mouth referrals. 

At the end, let's use the statistics as a guide: it shows that about seven out of ten complaining guests will do business with you again if you resolve the complaint in their favor. 

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Stress and the Immune System

Stress and the Immune System
Stress and the immune system play a vital role in your life and overall health. Day-to-day stressful events affect how your body responds to fighting illnesses. Stressful events that occur on a short-term basis can change the way your immune systems responds temporarily. Responses from the immune system to short-term stresses can actually be helpful in some cases, redistributing cells in a positive manner to help your body adapt as a quick-fix. Moderately stressful events, however, can have a damaging impact on your body's immune system, while traumatic and chronic stress can compromise your immune system's ability to perform.

Individuals react differently to stressful situations: some experience more physiological changes when under
pressure than others. Stress and the immune system can bring about conditions in which your body's cells can actually be suppressed and rendered unable to engage in their useful functions of protecting your body against infections.

From one stressful presentation you have to make at work, to the everyday traffic congestion that can turn into road rage, stress and the immune system play a significant role in your overall health. If your body's immune system isn't functioning properly, all sorts of germs, bacteria, viruses, and
diseases have the opportunity to pass into your system to cause you more grief.

Diabetes, ulcers,
heart attacks, and asthma are just a few conditions made worse by the effects of stress and the immune system. Increases in chemicals produced by your body that help with nerve conduction cause changes in your heart rate and blood vessels, compromising the immune system's response when you enter situations that cause you stress.

To help lower the chances that stress and the immune system will negatively affect your daily life, you can take steps such as eating right, getting regular exercise and getting plenty of rest. Your body needs you to take care of it so that it can help take care of you. Eating healthy and nutritious foods is a good place to start. Consumption of foods such as orange vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, squash, and sweet potatoes) help with the Vitamin A your skin needs to help prevent bacteria from getting into your body. Lean, low-fat beef and certain types of mushrooms containing zinc promote the building of white blood cells to help fight infection. Tea, fortified cereals and yogurt also aid in keeping your immune system functioning well.

You can also try to keep your stress levels at a minimum -- easier said than done for a lot of people. Practice deep-breathing exercises and other anxiety-calming techniques to try to reduce your stress levels. Stress and the immune system can negatively impact your body's health and well being when stress gets out of hand and your immune system isn't up to its job. Stress is a physiological process, but you can take psychological steps to rein it in and get control over the situation before it gets out of control and causes an illness to befall you.

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8 steps to higher search engine rankings

Interested in getting your website in the top 10? You are not alone! 

The world wide web is a great way to gain exposure in whatever you do. Having a website gives you the ability to have publicity and to be seen by people from all over the world. 

Just having a website does not get you instant recognition. It is earned by strategically marketing your business and website. Remember, by putting up a website you are immediately entering yourself into a competition. The World Wide Web has become so saturated with websites, it's nearly impossible to be noticed… unless you have a plan. 

The easiest way to be found on the web is to be listed in thesearch engines, such as Google or Yahoo. You can easily do this by paying to be seen by using Google Adwords or Yahoo Marketing. This can be effective, but expensive. 

Ultimately, you want to have your website to show up naturally on the front page of the search engines. Follow these 8 simple steps towards optimizing your website and you will see a positive difference in your website ranking. 

1. Comprise a list of search terms you want people to find your site with. For starters, this should be 3-5 word search strings. i.e. McDowell Mountain Ranch Real Estate or Toledo Organic Dry Cleaners. Something that is specific to your business or hobby. 

2. Load your website with original content. Take the time to write the information in your own words. Search engines will not give you credit for someone else's work. 

3. Add the key words from item 1 to your content on several different pages of your website. For example, it is better to have 500 pages with your key words listed once than to have 1 page with your keywords 500 times. 

4. Know your target market. Write content that will interest them and bring them back for more.

5. Add fresh content daily or as often as possible. Ideas to keep your site fresh include blogging, writing articles, interviewing people, and adding polls or RSS feeds. 

6. Keep your site for an extended period of time. There are many sites that come and go on the world wide web. The longer your site is around, the higher the search engines will rank you. 

7. Drive people to your website by sending out flyers, sending out mailers, emails, writing articles, blogging, linking to other sites and gaining as much exposure as possible. 

8. Submit your site to the search engines on a monthly basis. There are many search engine submission websites. Some are free and others charge a fee. Google "search engine submissions" to find one you like. Either way, you must submit to the search engines or your site will not be seen. 

As your site ages and gets more information, you will see a higher ranking for your website. This does not happen overnight, but by consistently adding information, you will create a website that provides value to the end user. And ultimately, that is what the search engines are looking for… Providing good information that the end user wants. 

To see an example of a relatively young site, 9 months old, that is getting great recognition - visit It is loaded with information that the end users love. The owner has added information on a regular basis and before long, it was loaded with useful information that the consumer loves. 

Website are fun to own, work on and benefit from. However, they can take a substantial amount of time. Have a strategy and work your strategy. You will see the best results and have the most satisfaction with your website. Enjoy! 

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Combat Stress - 7 Practical Methods

A stress-free lifestyle could very well do wonders in eliminating depression.

Here are 7 practical methods to combat stress:

1. Express Amusement And Be Happy.
Laugh hard and loud. If you don't have a sense of humor, find someone else who has. Laughter releases endorphins (happy chemicals) from the body, and it helps boost your immune system.

2. Take Control Over Your Time and Schedule.
You'll be much more able to deal with stress if you have a good handle on your job, relationships, and other activities. When you are in control, you are more inclined to stay focused and calm. Plan your time wisely.

Remember to leave room for unexpected events – both negative and positive. Be adaptable in rearranging your agenda. Get up 15 minutes early in the morning. Allow an extra 15 minutes to get to all appointments.

Avoid procrastinating on important or urgent tasks. Whatever needs doing, do it immediately. Do the unpleasant tasks early, so that you won't have to worry about them for the rest of the day. Keep an appointment or record book. Don't just rely on your memory.

Do your tasks one thing at a time at a time. Focus your attention on the present moment, whether it's the person talking to you or the job at hand. This helps you to avoid making errors - which lead to more tension and anxiety. Be patient in waiting. Anxiety caused by impatience can rise up your blood pressure.

Say "no" to requests that you cannot accomplish. Delegate trivial tasks. You must remember that you don't have to do it all yourself. Crack a job into separate tasks and assign them to people with the suitable skills.

3. Work Out
Strive and get some habitual exercise such as brisk walking, swimming or whatever appeals to you. Play a sport you're interested in. Aerobic exercises can considerably reduce the stress factor. Work out also improves sleep and gives you time to think and focus on other things. It also promotes the release of natural soothing chemicals in your body. Do not result to excessive exercise, however, as this may have an adverse effect and might cause more depression.

4. Search Out For A Support Group.
You'll be able to manage stress much better if you have other people helping and supporting you. Did you know that married people and people who are outgoing (always meeting with friends), have considerably low levels of stress in their lives?

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Type Of Tatto

 Type Of Tatto
Tattoos are at their heart a sign of individuality, and as more and more human beings seek a path to locate themselves apart from the crowd, the popularity of tattoos as a form of self expression is only likely to grow.

In act, the strict code of practices takes every safety measure so the risk of transmitting HIV or other diseases is virtually nonexistent.

however before spread outside, bids from approximately the society drove the reward over the century mark. If you bear these things in head and keep you eyes peeled, asking any and all questions that come to head, you should be fully capable of deciding whether or not your decision to get tattooed will be a acceptable one.

One beneficial body about henna tattooing, unlike the tattoos the western culture is used to, the henna tattoo is not permanent, for it fades away in age or it comes outside after a hardly any washings.

This path, others that are researching where to get a tattoo, will have that much more helpful info to ease them outside! A great place to do this is Body Mod.

Others events are far more profound, like the large number of policemen and fire fighters who tattooed the names of fallen colleagues on their arms for all to see.
If you contemplate on the internet there is a controversy about getting Kanji and Japanese Tattoos also. They will necessitate to contemplate into the dynamics of their relationships with customers and the nature of their interaction.

Getting a tattoo involves piercing the skin, and so there is going to be some pain involved, no complication how small the tattoo and no complication where it is on your body.
The more tattoos you have, the more ink spots you will end up with all over your body as age goes by.

This is easy! I know, you are thinking that you can't much scan Japanese, so how on earth will you be able to recognize these different styles? Well, try this:

A temporary tattoo can latest for anywhere from a couple of days to various months and may be an alternative for you who are not certain that a permanent tattoo is the fair body for you.
Granted it is a small snaggy and faded at once however he still has one on his forearm nonetheless.

A legitimate, well-trained tattooist follows strict health guidelines and is willing to answer any of your questions about tattooing procedures and concerns.

However many tattoo artists are spotting the trend and jumping on it already. The best defense in the battle of the fading tattoo is to stay outside of the sun, cover the tattoo with clothing and wear a really acceptable sunscreen.

Hepatitis, a disease that attacks the liver, is of a parcel more concern, being a much heartier pathogen that requires a much smaller amount of body fluid transfer, though it should be mentioned that , according to the Centers for Disease Control, there has NEVER been a documented action of Hepatitis OR AIDS caused by a tattoo.

Therefore, soon after their tour of the Honda plant, the Harley Davidson Motor Society decided to lay into practice this originally rejected approach. Try to utilize some kind unscented, undedicated body lotion, as some scents may irritate the still-tender skin of your tattoo. Some human beings decorate a small area of skin, while in others it may be difficult to find a square inch of un-tattooed flesh.

Studies showed that about 75 % of Harley customers made repeat purchases, and executives quickly recognized a pattern that refocused the convention's overall strategy.
anyway, after getting a tattoo done you should know some aftercare tips that cannot be ignored.

Fortunately there are other avenues you can capture instead of getting a permanent tattoo lay on. They are also a great path to express your individuality and unique sense of style.

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Beautiful Grace


       Not be a bad thing or what where will hat on me. But the thing in why in classmate want none have approached me and even greeted me with a smile. May be because I differ greatly in their eyes and had time or even often make them feel jealous of me. This is me minus the thick glass, large birthmark, have teeth and bugis on both my front teeth. But I don’t care because there are still those who loved me, and I believe it. Proof of good still gave me a family that really loves me, and my class rank doesn’t get really bad, about there exalted. So the teacher are still willing to teach me until he was still in the real include quiz. And it was not in van, until I get. A lot of medals that until now could raise the degree of school.
       This morning I forget to install the alarm clock, so the address I should be extra fast make preparations to go to school. And unfortunately again. Mr. amir, my personal driver again sick. Wow… I’ll really surprises me dead eyes widenet. I ran as fast as possible down the road. Fortunately the location of my school did not spend much, so there is still a few more minutes for my feet to enter the school corridors in a timely manner.
“ AW… ouch… my arm !!!” some one meaned.
“you okay?” I say to a girl the same age as my age, and severely injured his arm looks to fresh blood flow.
“let me help you ? where will you go ?” I asked her and helped her walking.
“ I want a going to SHS in the cross of the street.”
“okay… let me help you.”
        The school gate nearly closed a luckily because of security’s kindness who understood. Our condition, we were allowed to enter the school. Unluckily I must face picket teacher that I never imagine his face is exactly in front of me. And this is the first time. Finally, after I told him my condition, I free. But that girl entered UKS room with him.
        The rest has over. I went to my class. Put the book that I borrowed from library on the table in the door, I saw a girl that I think I know her. She came in and followed by the head master.” Children, keep silent, please!!.” All students in the class were silent and saw that girl. I head slow whispers.
“okay, there’s a new student here. Please, introduce your self !!”, he said to the sweet girl.
“my name is Amanda raurel. You can call me manda.”
“well, I hope you can know manda well. Ok, manda, you can sit wherever you want !”Manda walked to me. She was smiling. Her smile gave my eyes a beautiful sight.
“ may I sit here?” I was just smiling.
“hi, thank you for us help..” she whispered when studying in the class I see her arm, the proof that she’s really that girl.
“oh yes, of course.” I said
        The bell rung, the sign that the class has over. The students was so happy. Manda and I cleaned our table and I put our things in our bags. She invited me to go home together. And I accepted it. Along the street, manda told me much about her who never get lot of love. She lived alone in her house’s preciousness. Morever, he didn’t have mother and his father often went out of the city because of business he realese.
        Near a month. We knew each other. Manda is openminded and cheerful person. She never had her problems. She always tell me the problem. When she was sad. This day, after went home from school, manda wanted to drop in my house, I was so happy when hearing that, because along my age, she was the only one who had a will to come to my house.
“oh yeah, we can study together. I will help you to study to increase your archievement in the semester test next year.” I said.
“okay, that’s a good idea.” She sad happily.
        The weather this day was so hot. The sunlight seemed like on our head. Meanwhile there was just some kilometer to my house. But my throat was so dry. I wanted to drink.
“lets look for drink first !!” I asked her.
“but…., come on !!” her arm. We entered a supermarket that is in the cross of street. I take a soft drink and paid it. I saw that manda just stood in the door and saw things around her.
“hey, you don’t buy something?” I asked her
“emm…. No !! I’am judgment “ she answered
“are you sure ?” I asked her I more time and she just nodded.
        I saw two small children appear dressed in rags while tapping on my fence, while his hand holding a large book. Me and Manda approach them. "After what these sisters yes?" I said softly. Both turned in unison, instantly Manda running and holding her handphone.
"We would like to request donations from homeowners seikhlasnya this ...." And they said politely. "Owner's brother, this is a bit of money.", "Will sign the sister of this book? They asked. "May sister .." replied the brother with the tender and sign the book. "Thanks kak .... Excuse me ... "before they left, I asked where it came from them, then they answer from the orphanage," loving mother "." brother ... excuse me, Assalamu'alaikum .... "They said as he stepped.
"Wa'alaikumussalam ..." I said after they came out of my house. Manda ran toward me with haste "sory I have an affair for a while, entrusted my bag for a while yes ... please ..!!" he said as he left. I was stunned to hear her say .. "do not usually like men possessed him like that .." my opinion.
        This evening the moon looks bright hanging from the ceiling, I tried to lay my body on a soft bed. For a moment I took the glass on my desk and I watched carefully in terms of my face. "Why do not my face like perfect face Manda ... .. I wish I was not born with this birthmark, maybe now I also have pretty like Manda ... " my sound of wheezing. suddenly occurred to me there are thoughts that make me drifting" visual beauty is not the original form of privilege, it is actually emission faith really beauty myself ... and I should be grateful. "... all of a sudden my hand reached into the bag Manda, I see there is a letter bill, whose address was on this mother's love orphanage. "I shocked,, why Manda must accept this bill, where large numbers again, around Rp. 830,000.00 - "but it turned out I got a piece of picture of him and some orphanage kids love this mother. and shocked again, I found two little girl's face was funny. "What lest ...! He's been ...? "
2 days, 4 days, 1 week, has passed ... .. I could not find the figure of Manda nose all along, "where this child ..?" my worried. It's almost part of his friends and even teachers are close to my Manda ask how he was doing, but to no avail ... .. dad is only one answer to the puzzle where Manda now, MOTHER LOVE orphanage.
       In line at the end of the lesson was over, I asked for mr amir Inova soon launch this car to the orphanage Mother Love. When our car stopped right in front of a large yard, full of lush plants are adorned by blooming flowers like a rainbow scratch. Right then I saw a black sedan passed beside my car, I noticed a little behind the glass window of the car, some big man crush hordes of svelte mom's body. I went out and approached the orphanage home.
"Greetings ..." I say.
        A beautiful girl with her head wrapped in a white veil, came up, a little scratch a cheery smile greeted me warmly. "Manda ..." I cried hysterically. I immediately hugged him, a drop of dew down my cheeks. "I'm not sorry Manda ..." he says. "What do you mean ..? last, what are you ..?". "I'm her twin sister, Manda has gone since a week ago, because he had an accident while trying to help one of the members of this orphanage, he explained.
        I closed my face ... tears uproar, never imagined her as beautiful and as good as he goes with age that is still too young, after all, why am I not notified even the whole school does no one know. And why should our friendship as short as this?, I thought she would be my best friend until the end. Pretty girl named Nanda. He led me into the room size 4x5 m. Manda fragrant white jasmine fragrant blows gently say hello. Standing tall framed photo of a smiling face Manda sweet. We both leaned over the bed. I started out a piece of picture that I slipped on my school bag.
        "This, what should I have it?" Please! actually I'm proud of you have it. And I do not think it's you people, people who said Manda will help us in the crush of this problem. "Is it because this letter ..?" I came back out a bill envelope. "I will bear the cost of this debt, I want to Manda rest quietly there ..." I explained.
"Thank you ..., but not that ... our debts have paid and it's all thanks to hard efforts Manda."
"Then what ..?"
"Maybe it's time you know, that before Manda get into high school where you school there, he had planned to arrange it, he was amazed to you even though you're not as perfect as your face, but your heart is rich in goodness. Manda to be your friend because he wanted to unite you with your class and friends to give you the spirit to remain grateful for your fortune. But behind it all she asked for one hope, Manda want your mama to make the decision to pull out all the orphanage has become a mall, because this place is too valuable for her as well for us. And it's all over you the only way of God. And Hopefully I will help ... "
        That night moonlight made quietly in the silence of the night. I walked over to the study mom. And explain everything that is in my opinion. Mom looked at me touched upon what I experienced, she stroked my long hair with the love of a mother, saying: "mom foam to grant the request provided you follow mama medical treatment in Singapore, in addition we will open a new business, also to operate your birthmark it." I paused wearily. "You also will have many friends there." Mom cooed. I agree for the sake of happiness of the orphanage children and my promise to Manda for the sake of serenity in nature there.
        Dawn has been greeted, waving leaves smooth, gentle wind blows. Small birds sang ria perched on tree branches. Me and my mom had to pack. Mr. amir help us raise the goods into the trunk. Aunt ina repeatedly stroked my hair gently, with a damp face. mom himself had told me so quickly climbed into the car, while calling someone across there. "'re Ready darling ...?" said my mom. I smiled a little. Steps stop before I slipped my feet into the car. Nanda I saw with my friends my favorite classes are also a few teachers came with smiles, they hug. "Forgive us the championship, because we have hurt you ..." said one of them. After our old jokes, mom whispered as he approached, that hour of departure aircraft less a few minutes. "Nanda, I have kept my promise, I must go now." "Why ...?", "My mother ill and needs medical treatment there and as well as my support, so I said yes." "Well I hope you are all right there, oh yes it is a little keepsake and as our gratitude," Nanda one more hugged me, "oh yes, the champion here are some gifts from us, may be useful for you." Said my friends. "Thank you all, and thanks to Manda who has made me a person who means the world is", I said.

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When You Keep Silent


       Ayz, was the name of a girl. She was the fussy girl. She had many friends, but she thought that there was not friendship for her.
On Monday, the holyday in her school, she walked to the city hall.
“Hello Yz…” her friend greeted.
“Hello…” Ayz answered.
“Where will you go?”
“I will go to the city hall. And you?”
“I will go to my uncle.”
“Ow… Have fun… with your uncle!”
       Ayz always gave greeting to all of her friends. She was so kind. But, why there wasn’t friendship for her?
       In the city hall, Ayz sat and opened the book. She read the book one word by one word. Wind gave the greeting to her. She took the long oxide, with the smile from her small lips.
“Hellow…” Two girls said to her.
“Hy…” she answered it.
“May we sit here?”
“Oh… please!”
“Thanks. What is your name?”
“Em… My name is Ayz”
“Ayz? How do you do? My name is Ola.”
“How do you do. And you? What is your name?”
“My name is Ryza”
“Ow… What will you do here?”
“We will do home work.”
“May I see it?”
“English? I love it.”
“Can you help us to do it?”
“Of course.”
        From the introduction in that day, they knew about everything from each other.
        Day after day, they were more intimate. Although they stayed in different city, sometimes, Ryza and Ola came to Ayz’s house. And sometimes, Ayz came to Ola’s house or Ryza’s house. They told the story about their activities in those days to each other. If there was a problem, they finished the problem together. Being sad together because of the problem and being angry together because they didn’t know, what would they do. But, they could change it to happiness and smile if they stayed together.
        Monday was the good day for them. Ayz and Ryza talked in the telephone.
“Ryz, it is a good day!”
“Yeach! The sun smiles to us!”
“Can you get out from your house this day?”
“You invite me to go to the city hall?”
“Ok, I will go there with Ola.”
“Thanks Ryz.”
“You’re welcome.”
        When Ola and Ryza came to the city hall, they saw Ayz. She sat under the tree. Ryza and Ola walked to her. They sat together and they laughed together.
“Hellow…” One voice came from their back. They saw together, who had given the greeting for them.
“Hey…” Ola answered.
“May I stay together with you all?”
They kidded together. And they laughed together.
Achy, the name of that girl.
        Day after day, Ola and Ryza became far from their friend, Ayz. Ola and Ryza being so close to Achy. They laughed together. They did not care to Ayz anymore.
“Why you are far from me?” Ayz said to Ryza.
“Nothing’s important!”
“You think that I am not important for you and Ola? Friendship never dies! You know it, but why do you do it to me?”
“Nothing’s important for us, if we stay here. I must go now!”
“Please, answer my question!”
Ryza just kept silent and than left. Ayz just kept silent and cried.
“Hellow Ola…”
“Can you go to city hall now?”
“I can’t go there now.”
“I must go to Achy’s house.”
“Can I accompany you to go there?”
“No, thanks! I will go there with Ryza.”
“Ow… Ok… But I want tell you about something.”
“Is it important for me?”
“I don’t know. But it is very important for me.”
“Ow… Can you tell me other time?”
“It is very important for me. I want you and Ryza know about it.”
“Yeach… up to you. But there is no time for us.”
“Do I disturb you?”
“Now, I must go to Achy’s house.”
Tut.. tut.. tut.. Ola closed the telephone from Ayz.
“Ola… Ryza… You are very different now…” Ayz said.
          Ryza and Ola went home after visiting Achy’s house.
“Ryza, Ola, this is for you…” Ryza’s mother said.
“What is it Mom?”
“I don’t know. Ayz’s mother gives it to you.”
“Thanks Mom.”

I am so sorry friends. I can not to be the kind friend for you.
Now, I want to go home to my God. I am so sorry if I have many mistakes to you all. You want your day to be happy day, but I can not give it. I am so sorry.
But, do you know, something what make me happy in my life? When I stayed with you. When I was being your friend. I am very happy if I have friendship like you.
Thanks for all of you. Ryza, Ola, you are my best friends.

Ryza and Ola were sad because they couldn’t be Ayz’s friendship in her last life.

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Faith,Bravery And Getherness


       In the dead of night,deep in my heart,I pray ask for forgiveness to Allah,I feel bad it’s cause many problems in my life and ifeel sad everyday,every remember My brother,Rio, yah…My brother was dead because of fighting in a place by some people are tht student of high school but some people in the area said that my brother,Rio didn’t know about the fighten.
       But some fighters who killed my brother though that my brother was their enemy.They ran to my brother but my brother,Rio didn’t knew anything so he didn’t do anything until the students fought him,my brother just screamed in pain he couldn’t do anything,people around the area didn’t help my brother they were afraid,they let my brother fighten.
        One of the students thurst the knife to my brother’s stomache, the students were afraid when they saw my brother sickness and ran to let my brother,a few later one of my brothers friend saw my brother and brought him to hospital but it was late,my brother dead and made my family and I were sad.
That is bad day ever in my life but the police who handle this cass couldn’t find the killer,I’m so dissapoint because that.
        Sometime I still remember my brother especially about his dream,he wanted to study in UK and watch Arsenal FC who admired in Emirates Stadium,I’m sad because he couldn’t reach his dream and I swear that I will answer his dream.
        First day I go to school since absent one week,I feel happy because my friends receive me happily,they know me so they try to entertain me,Yeah…I forget to introduce myself,I’m Ayesha but my friends and my family usually call me Aya,I have big dream like I said before that I will answer and try to reach my brothers dream,I have strong motivation to reach my my dream even so hard,and I alsi have friends who always entertain and motivate me,they also have big dream like me and we want reach our dream together.
Sheila,she’s great friend,she’s smart and reative she wants to build moslem boutique,Ayu,she’s the tbest one about religion everything about heaven and hell,she wants to build Islamic school,Mira,she’s my funniest friend,her hobby is eating,eatig andeating,she wants to build big restaurant and make traditional food become famous.
        One day at school,my friend and I were talking about our dream.
“Listen,I’m not sure that I can reach my dream,you kow…it’s not easy”Sheila said.
“Come on guys,where there’s a wiil there’s a way,we must be confident!Always pray to Allah and I sure that it’s possible”Ayu said.
        “It’s so easy to say but noy easy to do,we need something real!”Mira said unconfidently.
“Look,I agree with Ayu ,I sure that we can reach our dream
We just need Faith,Bravery to dream higher and Getherness!” I said confidently.
“Yeah…you are right we are not giving up!we can do this!” Sheila,Mira and Ayu said together.
We graduated from high school to study higer,Sheila follow test to join schoolarship in one of University in Singapore,she foolow test seriously,she wants to be moslem designer and givebest clothes for us,Ayu failed to join schoolarship in Kairo but she didn’t give up she joined othertest and finally she could do do that she entered to University in Turkey,Mira,she study in Japan to know more about food and me now I am joining test to entered in University in UK,I’m so nervous but I don’t want to dissapoint my family and my friends who give me support,I want to give the best for them,I walk confidently I hope I can do well,I sit on the chair and start to do the test.And 2 hour later I walk out.
        One week after the test,I see the announcement and I’m so surprise I allowed to study in UK,after that I back home and ready to give great news to my family and my friendswho waiting me in home.
When I meet them isay that I allowed in UK,they’re sohappy and proud of me,that’s cause my family and also my friends They push me to do the best for my life,and also my friend can reach their dream because we believe that we can do anything if we serious and we believe in Faith,Bravery and Getherness.
The real frienship is not about friend to talking gossip,shopping or so on but more than that because the real friendship must be able to motivate our self and give spirit.
        Time passed,but it always winter in London,spring come late this year but I enjoy it,tomorrow I will bring my family to watch Arsenal the favorite team of my brother in Emirates Stadium and my friends also come and watch Arsenal with me.Before that I get the telephone from ploce in Indonesia,they said that the killer of my brother was catched,that is make my family and I happy.I sure that my brother in heaven also happy.
        Finally we can reach our dreams because 3 keys”Faith,Bravery and Getherness”,remember that no one is perfect but nothing is impossible in this world

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Because I don’t know how to love

Because I don’t know how to love

      “Stand up saou tao towani chikau friendship yorokobimo kurushimimo wakachiate.oh..oh..oh..tsuruju..tsuruju…forever friend of mine”. The song was often sung by four rock flowers are a boyband formed due to their sense of friendship.because coached since they were baby.They composed of Chechin who has the cutest face, Guan who has charismatic.Key who has a funny face which is identical to last vampire.and Niel has a very melodious voice.

            Day after day they spent with laughing.when they enter high school and above. It is not yet officially a student at the school, already many admire them and many women who pursue them. "Chechin .. oh your mouth make me fall in love with you ....."said one woman who was admiring the flower rock.but among them there is not much attention to his love life and never feel about love.he was Chechin. Chechin has a childish nature.
           One day when Flower Rock held a workout at the studio dance. arrival of a woman's voice singing behind the dance studio .that Guan was the first time heard that voice and He said "hey.hey .. listen to this voice of a woman .. very melodious singing ... .. ". Key was interrupted" what is this ghost voice .. oh no..i’m afraid! ". Then Chechin add" ah .. maybe not ... it melody sounds .it’s impossible if this sound is a ghost? ". Niel said "yes .. I agree!". Without long thought stepped directly Guan and saw who she was.
          When Guan saw that girl, he was stunned to see her beauty.and directly notify friends are Chechin, Niel, and Key was immediately met Guan. "How beautiful ..she is....". then they met each other. "Song HyoSang is my name .. but you just call me HyoSang". HyoSang said as she looked towards to Chechin.And Key only looked HyoSang and said in his self,”You are so beautiful to me HyoSang..i love you.”.
          Time went by, day by day they take a long time. Flower Rock did not meet with HyoSang.And HyoSang came back in unite, HyoSang a new student in Flower Rock’s school.Chechin was playing the guitar is making a song with his guitar in the garden school.but suddenly the voice of a woman was ring by singing songs from Chechin.Chechin was shocked. "whose voice is, here no one who .. but why her voice was so loud and really melodic.".
          Apparently HyoSang sung the song right in front of the ear of Chechin.
          When Chechin knew,he immediately startled "Oh my god ... sounds very melodic who are you? Like I've seen?". "I am a new student at this school .. well as women who used to sing in the back of your dance studio location. I’m HyoSang. "HyoSang said." Can you sing with me? "Said Chechin." Of course ... "Responsible HyoSang.Then Chechinand HyoSang sung together.And HyoSang and Chechin forgotten about the time.Night has came to their.Then Chechin and HyoSang fast a sleep.
          Key, Niel, and Guan keep looking Chechin.When they found, Key instantly shocked and bemused saw they slept together under the big three.Guan also surprised. "Why they are can be together here? Really weird!".
          Niel added, "looked at them,if I think they have the similarity of the face, usually if there are women and men was similar, meaning they were dating.". Guan said, "I hope so, looks fit, let me wake their.But will be good if we not restored them. "
          Key said directly angered Niel and Guan and said in his self, "what? Why they both can know this close? Not going to let me Hyosang with another male, even if it Chechin, my own friend.." Suddenly Guan came to Key and made him shock, "hey key, why you filmed? bring HyoSang hurry home! let me and Niel who bring Chechin go home. "Key was holding back HyoSang," HyoSang, carry you I was very happy. "The next day when Flower Rock gathered.
          "Chechin .. hey .. what are you doing with HyoSang yesterday?" Asked Niel."Ah..!Not!I and HyoSang only sing together.". chechin replied briefly.
Inwardly Key said. "I will soon get HyoSang love before you, Chechin!".
Suddenly Hyosang came.
"Hi .. Chechin..thanks yesterday you had a lift me went home." Said HyoSang
"Hey .. you're wrong ..HyoSang!you better to say thanks to Key. who drive you go home." Guan said explaining the HyoSang.
          "Oh .. I’m sorry .key thank you.". HyoSang said as she kept looking at the Chechin while Key just smiled sardonically. "Damn .. why HyoSang so to me?". Niel aske something to Chechin and Hyosang "Guys,you are looking at each other, right? You love each other?".
          Chechin and HyoSang just smile back and they kept constant at each other. "Oh god! What is the name of love? I fell in love at first sight, "said Chechin in his heart and HyoSang also said that..," this is indeed true love, I'm sure of it! I love chechin. ".
          Key increasingly angry and suddenly hyosang directly by the hand and direct her in the garden’s school.Guan, Niel, and Chechin just can say, "what's wrong with him?.
          Arriving at the school garden. "Hyosang .. I want to tell you something. ". key said. 'what it..?". HyoSang asked.But was before key to say it, suddenly seemed Hyosang sudden abdominal pain was also her maag was recurrent.And Chechin, Niel, and Guan came to this place.And never long think the length of direct Chechin bring HyoSang to the hospital.
          And when she reached hospital.Niel asked something on the key, "hey,, key why you were so strange to invite HyoSang to the school garden?". Key replied grudgingly, "no .. I'm just asking that whether she likes chechin or not? ". Guan also said." then what did she says? ".key answer,"she has not replied.".

          HyoSang suddenly unconscious, and when HyoSang opened her eyes,Chechin direct reflex says, "Saranghae ....". HyoSang was also answered, "I love you too". Anger Key increasingly peaked and he cried to his self, "No! No ! HyoSang really have to say it. ".
While HyoSang and Chechin hug each other.Guan and Niel said, "is really the most perfect couple in the world."
          Since then they officially become lovers, which is always where.And Key, he just can remain silent their intimacy But see day after day and year after year, Key increasingly can not stand .And decided to retake HyoSang in arms.
          When HyoSang go home from school, while she walking alone.Suddenly there was kidnap a men behind her and took her to a headquarters and tied with a rope. "Remove me! What are you doing? Who are you?". HyoSang said. "What are you sure you want to know Who amI?"Asked the men.

          It was also men immediately opened his mask and HyoSang was shocked. "Key ... .!!!! This is true you? why did you do this to me? "." hahahaha .... why are you so surprised to see me? should you not be surprised to see someone so love you any exceed and exceed chechin. "answered key.

          "Love me? You love me?" Ask HyoSang.Key answered with tears in his eyes. "Yes .. I love you so much .. I'm waiting for it .. and I'm not going to let anyone have you except me.". Hyosang surprised, "but .. I was the girlfriend of chechin.? he is your friend? ". Key added," I do not care .. I just want you and I give you two choices, you have to part with Chechin and make love with me, or you're going to bring my go abroad and live with me.what’s you choose? ". Hyosang replied," no .. I will not leave Chechin .. I love him very much .. you're evil! ". key was interrupted," that I already know the answer. you will go with me, tonight we went to Macau. ".
          Kikwang,older brother of hyoSang worried because HyoSang not get go home till night, and asked to Chechin to find her.Kikwang also do it, he is also looking HyoSang.Chechin accompanied his friends to find HyoSang. "HyoSang late into the night .. I'll keep looking for you". Chechin said in the liver.
          "Hey .. where is Key?". Asked Niel to Guan.Guan replied, "I also don’t know.i contacted his phone but his phone was off." Suddenly came a sms on mobile phone of Chechin "good-bye to all". When their car was also strike in front airport.One minute later Guan saw HyoSang enter to the airport. Not think the long, Niel call Kikwang and policy. and they immediately pursue HyoSang .And…..
          "Damn .. why they are can be here?... emergency .. they saw me ..." he said as he continued to hold HyoSang by force and kept running. "Key .. let me go! Chechin .. please help me ... ..!" Said HyoSang loudly .Key kept running even though the police had fired a warning shot. ".. key…release me the police will shoot you! you'd better let me go, rather than later you got shot!" pleaded HyoSang.
          Police continue to give warning shot happened. shots after shots were fired that last shot is shooted not Key but HyoSang.the shot was stuck right in the heart of HyoSang.And shot was very effective until the death has come to pick up HyoSang. "No hyosang ............ "said Chechin with loud shouts.

          Chechin ran directly toward and directly hug her.Chechin also rose and was heavily hit Key, "so all of this you do it? Huh? Hey Key.see to HyoSang.she died because of you, do you know? Our friendship is over and I never forgive you. "it was also with Kikwang, He burst into tears and said to Key," returned my sister ... I'll kill you .. Key ... ".
          ”Please forgive me .." said Key.Then Niel said, "ah! I don’t care.! there is no point in here.We will never forgive you", Guan also added, "What kind of friend are you? You think the who are you? Huh? You already damaging all.And bring smash,Sir... law him ….. we do not need a friend like you...".
Key have locked in his hands by the police.
"HyoSang .. do not leave me ... let's wake up ...." Chechin cried as He embraced and wept bitterly.
"HyoSang .. forgive me .. I'm really really sorry .. you're here because my ambisious.I'm sorry Because I don’t know how to love." Key said in his heart with tears in his eyes.

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Smart Student

Smart Student
The college professor had just finished explaining an important research project to his class. He emphasized that this paper was an absolute requirement for passing his class, and that there would be only two acceptable excuses for being late.

Those were a medically certifiable illness or a death in the student's immediate family.

A 'smart' student in the back of the classroom waved his hand and spoke up. "But what about extreme sexual exhaustion, professor?"

As you would expect, the class exploded in laughter. When the students had finally settled down, the professor froze the young man with a glaring look.
"Well," he responded, "I guess you'll just have to learn to write with your other hand."

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How she knows you love her

How she knows you love her

A man wakes up with a big hangover the morning after attending his company's annual Summer Party. He can't even remember how he got home from the party let alone how he got so drunk and is deathly afraid of what he may have done or said the night before to offend his wife.

The man forces his eyes open, however, and the first things he sees are two headache tablets next to a glass of water on his night table, and, next to them, a single red rose! He sits up with difficulty and sees his clothing hung on the back of his chair all clean and pressed and the rest of the house all spic and span and in perfect order.

Incredulous, the man takes the tablets, then winces when he sees a nasty black eye looking back at him from the bathroom mirror. Then he finds a note next to the red rose on the night table: "Sweetie, breakfast is waiting for you on the stove. I left early to buy the ingredients to make your favorite dinner tonight. I love you, darling! The note was signed, "Your loving wife".

The man then stumbles into the kitchen and incredibly enough, there is a hot breakfast waiting for him along with steaming hot tea, and the morning paper. His daughter Jessie is also at the table, eating. "Jess... what happened last night?" The man asks, with some trepidation.

"Well, you came home around four o'clock in the morning, drunk and out of your senses. You tripped and fell onto the coffee table and broke it, and then you vomited all over the bathroom floor, and got this black eye when you crashed into the table edge."

Baffled, the man asked Jessie, "Then why is everything in such perfect shape and so clean? Why is there a rose on my nightstand, and breakfast on the stove waiting for me?"

"Oh that, Jessie replies, "Well, Mom pulled you into your bedroom, and when she tried to undress you, you yelled, "Leave me alone, I'm married and I love my wife!'"

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How to Find Love

How to Find Love

A very depressed looking customer goes into a bar and declares, "Bartender, please help me. I can't take this anymore."

The bartender pours him a stiff drink and asks, "What's bothering you sir?"

"Well, bartender, I'm 30 years old and I am having no luck finding love. No matter what I do, I only manage to frighten women away."

"Don't worry, sir, your problem is not serious. I see it everyday working here. All you have to do is to develop a stronger sense of self-esteem. To do that you must go to your bathroom mirror every morning right after you wake up. Look at your reflection in there and say to yourself, "I am a good guy, a fun guy, and an attractive guy". If you say this with absolute certainty and confidence, in just one week women will love you and begin flocking to your side.

The man is happy with this assessment and leaves the bar after paying his tab eager to try out the bartender?s advice and find love. Three weeks later, however, he goes back to the same bar looking every bit as depressed as before.

"What?s the matter, sir, wasn?t my advice effective?" asks the bartender.

"Oh, it was very effective. During the past three weeks I've had some of the best times in my life with the most attractive women I?ve ever met."

?I don?t understand. What's your problem then?"

"Oh, I don't have a problem anymore," the man says. "My wife?s the one with the problem now."

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Learning-Centered Methods

 In language classrooms in the United States, instruction focuses on the learner and the learning process. The instructor creates a learning environment that resembles as much as possible the one in which students learned their first language. Students participate in the learning process by establishing learning goals, developing and choosing learning strategies, and evaluating their own progress. In the classroom, students attend to models provided by the instructor (input) and then build on those models as they use language themselves (output). Classroom activities incorporate real-world situations.
There are some models of methods in learning-centered. They are as follows:


What Is Total Physical Response (TPR)
          TPR is one of the English teaching approaches and methods developed by Dr. James J Asher. It has been applied for almost thirty years. This method attempts to center attention to encouraging learners to listen and respond to the spoken target language commands of their teachers. In other words, TPR is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through physical (motor) activity.
          Asher’s Total Physical Response is a “natural method” since Asher views first and second language learning as parallel processes. He argues that second language teaching and learning should reflect the naturalistic processes of first language learning. For this reason, there are such three central processes:

  • Before children develop the ability to speak, they develop listening competence. At the early phases of first language acquisition, they are able to comprehend complex utterances, which they hardly can spontaneously produce or imitate. Asher takes into accounts that a learner may be making a mental blueprint of the language that will make it possible to produce spoken language later during this period of listening;
  • children's ability in listening comprehension is acquired because children need to respond physically to spoken language in the form of parental commands; and
  • When a foundation in listening comprehension has been established, speech evolves naturally and effortlessly out of it.
          Asher believes that it is crucial to base foreign language learning upon how children learn their native language. In other words, TPR is designed based upon the way that children learn their mother tongue. In this respect, TPR considers that one learns best when he is actively involved and grasp what he hears (Haynes, 2004; Larsen-Freeman, 1986; Linse, 2005).
Advantages and Disadvantages of TPR
TPR has some advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages include:
  1. It is a lot of fun. Learners enjoy it, and this method can be a real stirrer in the class. It lifts the pace and the mood;
  2. It is very memorable. It does assist students to recognize phrases or words;
  3. It is good for kinesthetic learners who are required to be active in the class;
  4. It can be used both in large or small classes. In this case, it is no matter to have how many students you have as long as you are prepared to take the lead, the learners will follow;
  5. It works well with mixed-ability classes. The physical actions get across the meaning effectively so that all the learners are able to comprehend and apply the target language;
  6. It is no need to have a lot of preparation or materials using the TPR. In this regard, as long as you are competent of what you want to practice (a rehearsal beforehand can help), it will not take a lot of time to get ready;
  7. It is very effective with teenagers and young learners; and
  8. It involves both left and right-brained learning;

In addition to such advantages, TPR has disadvantages. Among them are:
  • Students who are not used to such things might find it embarrassing. This can be the case initially that if the teacher is prepared to perform the actions, the students feel happier about copying. In addition, the students are in a group and do not have to perform for the whole class. This pleasure is reserved for the teacher;
  • It is only really suitable for beginner levels. Whilst, it is clear that it is far more useful at lower levels because the target language lends itself to such activities even though it can successfully be applied at Intermediate and Advanced levels. In this respect, it is essential to adapt the language, accordingly. For example, when teaching 'ways of walking' (stumble, stagger, and tiptoe) to an advanced class and cooking verbs to intermediate students (whisk, stir, and grate), TPR can be employed;
  • It is not flexibly used to teach everything, and if used a lot, it would be-come repetitive. This method is a fun way of changing the dynamics and pace of a lesson used in conjunction with other methods and techniques. To sum up, TPR should best be combined with others since it needs much energy so that learners do not feel tired of learning language; and
  • Although the use of TPR in the classroom has often been effective, it does have its flaws. One of this method flaws is that when a teacher uses TPR in their lesson, they will have trouble teaching abstract vocabulary or expressions. As a remedy, the teacher can write the word on cards with a picture if applicable. Another flaw is that TPR can be ineffective if the teacher uses it for a long period of time without switching it with other activities that help teach the target language. Since TPR is made up of mainly of commands, it tends to neglect narrative, descriptions, and conversation forms of language
          This method is intended to overcome the fear of speaking out by beginners. The limitation of this method seems that it is effective for beginning levels of language proficiency.


          The Silent Way is the name of a method of language teaching devised by Caleb Gattegno. Gattegno's name is well known for his revival of interest in the use of colored wooden sticks called Cuisenaire rods and for his series Words in Color, an approach to the teaching of initial reading in which sounds are coded by specific colors. His materials are copyrighted and marketed through an organization he operates called Educational Solutions Inc., in New York. The Silent Way represents Gattegno's venture into the field of foreign language teaching. It is based on the premise that the teacher should be silent as much as possible in the classroom and the learner should be encouraged to produce as much language as possible. Elements of the Silent Way, particularly the use of color charts and the colored Cuisenaire rods grew out of Gattegno's previous experience as an educational designer of reading and mathematics programs. (Cuisenaire rods were first developed by Georges Cuis¬enaire, a European educator who used them for the teaching of math. Gattegno had observed Cuisenaire and this gave him the idea for their use in language teaching.)
The objective of The Silent Way Method of language teaching is for students to work as independent language learners. The teacher speaks very little when using this method. The role of the teacher is to draw the learners' attention to the way that they are going about the act of learning. The teacher facilitates the students' discoveries and helps the students to gain insight into the functioning of the language. In order to use this method some specific materials are required.
          The Silent Way is characterized by its focus on discovery, creativity, problem solving and the use of accompanying materials. Richards and Rodgers (1986:99) summarized the method into three major features.
  1. Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers or creates. The Silent way belongs to the tradition of teaching that favors hypothetical mode of teaching (as opposed to expository mode of teaching) in which the teacher and the learner work cooperatively to reach the educational desired goals. (cf Bruner 1966.) The learner is not a bench bound listener but an active contributor to the learning process.
  2. Learning is facilitated by accompanying (mediating) physical objects. The Silent Way uses colorful charts and rods (cuisinere rods) which are of varying length. They are used to introduce vocabulary ( colors, numbers, adjectives, verbs) and syntax (tense, comparatives, plurals, word order …)
  3. Learning is facilitated by problem solving involving the material to be learned. This can be summarized by Benjamin Franklin’s words:
“Tell me and I forget
Teach me and I remember
Involve me and I learn”
          A good silent way learner is a good problem solver. The teacher’s role resides only in giving minimum reputations and correction, remaining silent most of the times, leaving the learner struggling to solve problems about the language and get a grasp of its mechanism.
  • The Silent Way is often criticized of being a harsh method. The learner works in isolation and communication is lacking badly in a Silent Way classroom.
  • With minimum help on the part of the teacher, the Silent Way method may put the learning itself at stake.
  • The material (the rods and the charts) used in this method will certainly fail to introduce all aspects of language. Other materials will have to be introduced.
  • Learning through problem solving looks attractive especially because it fosters:
  • creativity,
  • discovery,
  • increase in intelligent potency and
  • Long term memory.
The critic of this method is that the teacher is too distance. Student often need more guidance from their teacher than the Silent Way permits.


          The Community Language Learning is the method which are use by the teachers to consider their students as ‘whole persons’. Whole persons mean that teachers consider not only their students intellect, but also have some understanding of the relationship among students feelings, physical reactions, instinctive protective reactions, and desire to learn. The teachers who use this method want their students to learn how to use the target language communicatively. They focus not only on the language but also on the being supportive of learners in their learning process. In the class, the teachers become counselor. It is doesn’t mean the teachers trained their students in psychology. In this method, the teachers use tape-recorded, transcription, reflection on experience, reflective listening, human computer, and small group tasks to see our ‘whole persons’. With use tape-recorded, they can learn about conversation easily. The teacher give them some ‘chunks’ on the transcript, they must repeat it with her. In this method, the teachers use small groups to help the students can get more practice with the target language and allow them to get to know each other better.


          The term natural approach (or natural method) was first used in the nineteenth century to describe teaching methods, such as the direct method, that attempted to mirror the processes of learning a first language. Translation and grammar explanations were rejected, learners were exposed to sequences of actions, and the spoken form was taught before the written form. The term was resurrected by Tracy Terrell in the 1970s to describe a similar kind of approach. Learners were initially exposed to meaningful language, not forced to speak until they felt ready to, and not corrected or given explicit grammar instruction. The method was characterized by a lot of teacher talk, made intelligible through the use of visual aids and actions. The method was endorsed by Stephen Krashen, whose input hypothesis gave it theoretical validity. It also shared many principles in common with Total Physical Response (TPR). These included the importance of comprehensible input, and of promoting positive affect in the learning process. The natural approach seems to have become absorbed into what are generally known as humanistic teaching practices and whole language learning.
          As for practical ways of implementing these principles, this will depend on the level of the class. At beginner level, lots of TPR activities are called for, where learners simply respond to instructions by performing physical actions, such as pointing at things, handing each other objects, standing, walking, sitting down, writing and drawing. At higher levels, the focus is still on providing comprehensible input, in the form of listening or reading tasks, where learners order pictures, fill in grids, follow maps, and so on.
          These can be combined with communicative speaking tasks, such as ‘describe-and-draw’ or ‘spot-the-difference’, where learners work in pairs to exchange information about pictures. The important thing is that there is no grammar ‘agenda’ as such: the learners perform the tasks to the best of their ability. New input – and hence the ‘push’ to improve – comes from watching the teacher or a more proficient speaker performs the same tasks. In this sense, the natural approach is not much different from task-based learning, but with perhaps more emphasis on comprehension than production. A typical natural approach lesson at elementary to intermediate level might go something like this:
  1. The teacher shows a set of pictures of, say, food and drink, repeating the word that goes with each with one; the students simply watch and listen.
  2. The pictures are displayed around the room, and the students are asked to point at the appropriate picture when the teacher names it.
  3. The students listen to a tape of a person (or the teacher) describing what they habitually eat at different meals; the students tick the items they hear on a worksheet.
  4. The students are then given a gapped transcript of the previous listening activity, and they fill in the gaps from memory, before listening again to check.
  5. The students, in pairs, take turns to read aloud the transcript to one another.
  6. The students, still in their pairs, tell each other what they typically eat, using the transcript as a model.
          They repeat the task with another partner, this time without referring to the model.
          In addition to the Acquisition – Learning hypothesis, Krashen also proposes 4 other hypotheses, i.e. Comprehensible Input (t + 1) hypothesis, Affective Filter hypothesis, Monitor hypothesis, and Natural Order hypothesis. The problem with this method is in its difficulty to define some of the terms.


          Suggestopedia is one of kind language teaching method which this method can occur at a much faster rate than ordinarily transpires. The teacher who used this method generally used posters or everything that can make the classroom is bright and colorful. It is can bring a cheerful environment for the students and helps the students to learn from what is present in the environment. The teacher must speak confidently, it is important to attract students attention. The teacher also gives the students the impression that learning the target language will be easy and enjoyable. With used this method, the teacher instructed the students to choose their new names and identities. In the principles, assuming a new identity enhances students feeling of security and allows them to be more open. After they choose new names and identities, they must introduce themselves to the teacher. In the classroom they also play rhythmic instruments as they sing a song for example, the teacher reads the dialog with a musical accompaniment. She matches her voice to the rhythm and intonation of the music. With used this method, the students can learn to use a foreign language for everyday communication; they can trust and respect their teacher.
          In Summary, the innovative methods such us those described above show us the principles and practices that we can consider for their implementation in our classrooms. We may adopt readapt any (part) of them which may be best for our own situations.


Fachrurrazy, MA.Ph.D. 2010. Teaching English as a Foreign Language for
Teachers in Indonesia.English Department – Faculty of Letters The State
University of Malang.
Haynes, J. 2004. TPR is a Valuable Tool.
Larsen-Freeman, D. 1986. Techniques and Principles in Language
Teaching.Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Linse, C. 2005. The Children s Response: TPR and Beyond . EnglishTeaching
Forum 43/1: 8-11.
Bruner, J. (1966). Toward a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.
Brown, H.D. (1987).Principles of language learning and teaching.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall
Jack, C.R. and Theodore S. Rodgers (1986). Approaches and methods in
language teaching: A description and analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press

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